2nd february 2022
Lisette Lucas
Podcast 105. 3 Powerful Action Steps That Will Shift Your Life Forever + Exclusive Call for Established, Soul-Centred, Service Based Entrepreneurs
Perhaps you want to take powerful steps, on your journey of soul-searching and your life mission - but where do you start?
In this podcast you will discover Action steps for each of the 3 phases of the Architects plan of the Soul
So that you can immediately take inspired action on your journey of Powerful Awakening
Meaning you can live and propagate your mission and purpose even faster and more powerfully in your authentic way
(The shownotes for this episode can be found at: www.LisetteLucas.com/105)
Plus, to find all my free resources in one place download the Lisette Lucas app, for both iOS/Android
Welcome to Podcast #105.
In podcast #104 I talked about Powerful Awakening, if you haven't listened to it yet, I advise you to do so first. For this podcast is a deepening and extension of Podcast #104, because in order to awaken powerfully, a very important step is needed!
And that step is?!?
What do you think?
That step is: ACTION!
Nothing happens without action!
Without it you can sit in your room and visualise and dream to manifest, but then you stagnate the energy. So I'm going to take you through the Action Steps that I can offer you from my own experience and expertise.
And at the end I have an extra request for those who have already taken strong action and are sharing their message with the world right now. If that's you, I need your help.
In podcast #104 I talk about the 3 Phases of The Architect's Plan of the Soul. This is what my mentor Mavis Pittilla calls it and I thought it was such a beautiful phrase. It’s not of my own creation, I got this from her and like to pass it on to you too.
I will repeat the phases again now, and as before feel straightaway which one resonates. (Only if you haven't already taken the test of course). But it’s important to know which phase you’re in for the Action Steps that come later, so that you can move on in alignment with powerful awakening to taking powerful action.
So first: where are you? Which stage are you in?
In response to Podcast #104 I've made a lot of Soul Connection calls, with wonderful Soul Searchers, over the past few days and was moved and touched by the number of responses!
It’s been great to read your answers to the questions you had to answer prior to the connection conversation.
It's fantastic that so many of you want to take powerful steps and are super motivated to discover, live and propagate your mission and Soul purpose!
So before I go any further I’ll repeat the phases again.
Consider which stage you’re in, possibly you’re even in the transition between phases.
Phase 1: You are still a bit asleep but you are about to wake up. (And you're listening to this now, so that's waking up.)
Phase 2: You have initiated that journey of discovery inward, set it in motion. You have really taken steps forward.
Phase 3: You have awakened and you are already sharing your message with the world. Only you want to push it further, bigger, make it better and more powerful.
Where are you now on your 3 phase path of the Architects plan of the Soul?
Phase 1, 2 or 3? Or in transition?
If you have this clear, then you know what action to take when you experience that Soul Pull, that attraction to the unknown lake. You’ll know what action to take to satiate that craving, that inexplicable pull and attraction to find answers and insights.
Because I have of course also gone through all these phases myself, I can also strongly help you with that. Purely as an expert by now, so to speak.
During my search I found out that there were certain 'gaps'.
Based on my own insights, or just call it my own pitfalls, which I encountered along the way, I gradually managed to resolve my struggles, challenges and bumps. Through trial and error I have found and created solutions for them. And because I want to help you avoid those time-consuming bumps and struggles, I am 100% sure that my developed roadmap is super powerful and effective during the unfolding of Your Architects Plan of the Soul.
So, do you feel that soul pull, that craving for more, that search for answers and insights, that need to serve, get your message across, to live your mission? To serve and contribute to the greater whole?
Do you feel that? Well, good news: then this is the podcast for you!
But on the other hand: Are you like, whut … What are you talking about? I'm fine with my 9-5 job and have learned enough in my life already. I enjoy diving into University Netflix and Videoland as soon as I get the chance. That Soul & Mission thing is not useful to me.
Then I also want to be very honest and certainly not waste your time.
Because time is really the one thing we all have the same amount of.
So please spend it the way that feels right to you.
Okay, now that we've got that clear: let’s move on!
And if you hear this and are still listening, I'm super happy that you're still here! Because then I know we speak the same language, and that makes my heart and soul jump with joy. Because honestly, I can't do it alone! I don't even want to do it alone!
Your help is needed so, so much! Together we can move so much more.
And that is why I am now encouraging you to take action! Yes?! I'm going to say to you right now (because it is very important): Stop procrastinating. Stop the: 'Yeah but, what if and that …’, or ‘Is that for me?’, ‘Can I?'
Believe me, I had these too! Until someone gave me some kind of energetic kick to my behind, which made me realise that I really had something to do here on earth.
And yes, I also know that you know that in the deeper layers of your being! Sometimes it can’t be pinned down exactly what it is. But honestly without it you wouldn't even be listening to this.
So to get straight to the point. I'm going to present my solutions which I can help you with, whichever phase you are in right now.
Are you ready for it?
Here are the Action steps per phase that I can provide:
Phase 1: You are still somewhat asleep but you are against it, against waking up.
Well, what have I created for this? Of course I've been here too. I've developed a kind of hyper-speed method to get through this phase very quickly. The solution I created is called the Master Your Intuition Academy.
In 6 weeks I will take you through my digital online programme, that you can follow from your home over your computer, tablet or mobile. Here I teach you how to control your energetic vehicle and even use it to intuitively use your energy. Yeah, I also don't understand why they never taught that in school .. so, I created it.
Super powerful and a wonderful introduction to awakening on an energetic and intuitive level.
I tell you: Everything is present at the core, so you can do this too!
Additionally for this phase I have many tools outside this programme to transform sub-conscious areas. Namely multiple hypnosis audio courses. They really accelerated everything very powerfully for me and my business! And you can use them during every phase, because know this from the offset: mindset work is absolutely essential to be successful. I do it myself several times a day.
Because how can you really be successful?
You must first unlearn old patterns and beliefs, which you have been taught and then also give back to those from whom you have temporarily borrowed it.
And then you come to Phase 2.
Phase 2: You have initiated that journey of discovery inward, set it in motion.
Now you have a taste for more. Actually there is 'no way back!' which feels wonderful. You start to feel that you are becoming your real self and pieces are going to fall into place, bringing insights and answers.
Life will smile at you again.
For this phase I developed the Master Your Inner-Medium Academy.
This consists of 3 powerful Levels. After obtaining Level 3 you can start working as a recognised EnergyJoy Practitioner! Then I'll put my name on it. Yes, I have that much faith in this programme and this academy. For it’s super powerful and really life-changing.
Something nice to know about the programme: if it really resonates with you and you have a ‘I want to go for this!’ feeling; you can start the academy if you are still in Phase 1. Then you can learn and catch up at the same time which works really well too!
If you first want to prepare slowly and get used to it step by step, then my Phase 1 programme: The Master Your Intuition Academy is the right choice for you.
If you are in Phase 2 and have an attitude of: Bring it on!
Then the Master Your Inner-Medium Academy Pathway is the way to Shift your life and business to the Next Level!
A word of warning though: Life will never be the same again! But in the most positive way.
So buckle up and fasten your seat belts! You will learn a lot and your mouth will drop open in amazement! And no, I’m not talking about what I can bring you, but what you will discover about your own powers, talents and abilities.
You are that treasure chest, we are going to open it, dust it, clean it up and make it shine beautifully!
And if you are already a coach, therapist, physiotherapist, consultant, nurse or service provider. I can already tell you: this trajectory will enrich you enormously! I promise!
And along the way, the door to Phase 3 of the Architects plan of the Soul will open for you.
When it will depends on you: your commitment, motivation, soul desires, your leverage (your reason why and the strength of it, as Tony Robbins puts it) and the amount of action you are willing to take. All of the above are determining factors of your success!
Quite possibly, during Phase 2 you may want to progress quickly, to step into that field of infinite possibilities and creation. (Something I see happening in my academy and practice). Some students and Soul Centred entrepreneurs feel so motivated by the fire inside that they can no longer keep it in. They must let their light shine, shine as it is destined from The Architect's plan of the Soul. So that's wonderful!
If this is you, you will respond to that pull to live your mission and purpose. And then you step into the ever unfolding Phase 3!
Phase 3: You have awakened and you are already sharing your message with the world. Only you want to put it further, more powerfully, for it to be bigger and better.
And of course I have something very special for Phase 3.
Those stepping in here from Phase 2 are the new thought leaders of the world! They create the new ideas of the world!
The teachers and leaders of the world who contribute to shifting the vibe and frequency.
I cherish these beautiful souls whose potential I see shining powerfully around them. Often before they even realise it.
The programme that I have designed for these leaders is the Elite Shift Programme:
An exclusive trajectory of intensive coaching, mentoring and guidance by me personally.
And so I have a programme for every Phase to guide you to Phase 3, if your Soul search blueprint and route planner sends you there.
Because yes, you can feel that for yourself! Trust that.
It is the 1st feeling.
Don't overthink or your fear programming will get in front of it. That 1st inner feeling of: Yes!! Learn to listen to this, then you can recognise when your mind goes into overthinking, fear programming like I said. Discover that difference immediately because otherwise you will stand still.
That's how I got to know my teachers and mentors, to get unstuck. Just go and look around you: every great leader has a mentor and coach.
So this time I want to make an exclusive appeal to those who feel they are on their way to Phase 3 or are already in Phase 3. (This is an inexplicable kind of knowing. Listen to that.)
So here comes the call: Are you an established Soul centred, service based entrepreneur? Then I ask for your help. I'm doing a Phase 2 & 3 study and need a deeper understanding of your struggles and challenges. So that I can develop even more tools and systems to help, support and guide those who are ready to shift to the Next Level. So that I can help them even more to become the market leader in their specific niche and industry.
Are you or do you know that entrepreneur who wants to shift to the Next Level? Do you have challenges or struggles to consistently achieve those 5 digit months, for example?
Then I'd like to talk to you.
Go to: www.LisetteLucas.com/105. Fill in the special question form to see if you are the right entrepreneur for my Phase 2 and 3 research. After that you will receive a link to my digital agenda for a 20 min Soul Connection call, for Phase 2/3 research.
Are you not (or not yet) that entrepreneur, but you do want to take strong steps?
And do you still want a chance to win the Soul Connection call from podcast 104? Then let me know if you're ready to take action via the Podcast 104 question form. I will also place this question form in the Shownotes of this episode.
So that everyone gets the chance! Because in the end we all started at Phase 1. No one is better than the other, some are just a few steps further. That's the only difference.
Again, established Soul-Centered entrepreneur, do you have struggles with mission, purpose, messaging, growth, revenue, mindset, transformation, visibility etc? Reach out! Thanks to your help, many others will also be helped. So we are already grateful to you!
Well, this really has become a podcast that can be a powerful needle mover in your life! Please share it with someone whose potential you see. The more wonderful soul searchers who take action the better! Together we can shift to the Vibe of EnergyJoy and Beyond!
Thanks for listening and remember: Take strong steps towards Your Architects Plan and your Soul - your Soul and the world will thank you!
X Lisette
EnergyJoy by Lisette Lucas | All rights reserved 2022©