23rd february 2022
Lisette Lucas
Podcast 108. Your Legacy: Intuitively Discover The Steps You Can Take Immediately To Build Your Legacy + Take The Time Shift Test
Most likely you run on autopilot and sometimes lose sight of what is really important to you.
In this podcast you’ll get a kind of time-shift
So that you immediately get a clear picture of what you really want
And then you can take powerful steps right now towards your ultimate life purpose and legacy!
(The shownotes for this episode can be found at:www.LisetteLucas.com/108)
Plus, download my Lisette Lucas app (iOS/Android) for free to find all my free resources in one place.
Welcome to Podcast #108!
Okay, are you ready?
We will immediately start with a test that will give you a lot of clarity.
You can download the PDF of this test completely free of charge via my Lisette Lucas App. (I’ll also put the link in the show notes.)
OK, are you in? This is the LEGACY TIME SHIFT TEST.
Grab the PDF or pen and paper to hand.
Ask yourself:
Are you happy where you are in your life now?
Do you feel like you're getting everything out of life?
Do you live in alignment with your life purpose & mission?
What would you do if you only had 10 years left to live?
What would you like to leave behind?
What does your legacy look like? (What is your legacy?)
What function do your life and existence have here on earth?
Interesting questions don't you think?
Here are some more to make it concrete.
Based on those 10 years:
What would you change in your life?
Who comes into your life and who goes out of your life?
What would you do?
What would you like to learn?
And now the most important question:
What steps would you take NOW?
Okay, I hope you took the time to answer these questions properly.
These questions are super powerful to clarify what is really important to you.
We are so often absorbed in the grind of life that we lose sight of what is really important.
Important to you, for: your growth, your soul, your evolution, your contribution to the bigger picture and ultimately for your legacy!
I can tell you, for example, that this podcast is part of my legacy.
That which I’d like to leave to my own children.
Now as teenagers, they are not really interested in what I do. And that's totally fine. Although my eldest son of 20, recently said for the first time, that he realised that he has his mother and mentor in 1 house. And he thought that was very special.
Of course me, as a mother - I tried to keep my cool. But I've known for many years how special his mission is. (And of course I don’t talk about that. For that is part of the universal rulebook of cosmic laws. The moment you start to delve into working with energy, you keep your mouth shut.) But I have seen him grow into the pure, wise, empathetic soul I see now. It was a very moving and essential moment, given his soul evolution.
But important: Allowing the 'Architects Plan of the Soul' to unfold naturally is essential. You can't force it, it must be the right time. That's why some people aren't interested in this at all and that's okay, while others feel a certain pull, an attraction.
Do you feel a pull? Do you feel a certain attraction? Yes?! Well that's beautiful!
Because then you can activate it from this moment on.
And honestly, that pull and right time also eventually brought you here to this podcast.
And so it must be. Because 'coincidence'? No, I don't believe in that.
I always say: When something comes up 3 times, you have to do something with it. See that as a 'sign'. A signal to make you take action.
My goal for this podcast is to show you that you know very well, internally, from your inner knowing what you should and should not do.
Just look at your answer to your question: What steps would you take NOW?
Only if you know this of course … have the knowledge of: ‘Oh dear, my time is limited’. Only then do we take action. Only then will we do what we really want to do.
And that's why I want to activate that part of you NOW!
Because yes, it really is your time NOW!
All excuses, all reasons, all thoughts to put something off until tomorrow, until later, until next time.
What do you think those are?
They are your old beliefs, your outdated patterns, your BS, yes: Your Belief Systems.
Once you understand that! Well, then you have already made progress to last for many years. Because a lot of people are not even aware of all the programming that runs inside with which they completely sabotage themselves.
So yes, you are definitely in tune! Otherwise you wouldn't even be listening to this, your attention would have wandered long ago.
Something resonates, something deep inside. You can't put your finger on it. It's a feeling.
And yes, that feeling … that is the voice of your soul. Your inner knowing that subtly but powerfully shows you the way.
So yes, I'm proud of you. And you should also be proud of yourself. Look how far you've come! What you have already overcome!
And what I want to say with this: If you manage to overcome a challenge once, you can always do it.
So now it's up to you!
Take action like you only have 10 years to go. Because believe me - then your focus will be sharp. Let your peripheral issues slide off you and really choose what will make you and your legacy sparkle!
Will it sometimes be exciting? For sure!
Will it be difficult sometimes? Absolutely!
Will it be hard sometimes? Hell yes!
Will it be emotional at times? Definitely have a tissue to hand
But will it be enriching! OMG 1000%! And not just for you, but for your family, loved ones and everyone you can touch from your pure, authentic power. As you will in a way that only you can!
So what are you going to do after this podcast?
Correct: I would say take ACTION! Go do what you are curious about, what makes your heart and soul skip with joy, what you are passionate about and what already moves you when you think forward in time. Moving forward with gratitude and a realisation that you are blessed. Blessed that you have listened to the voice of your inner wisdom. That you may have pressed the play button on this podcast seemingly by fate at the time.
And that it has changed your life forever in the most positive sense of the word!
I am thankful for you! For going and creating your legacy! So that at the end of your wonderful, long life, you can look back from your lovely comfy chair, with satisfaction from a soul level. That you are proud of the action you took at the time, the exciting 'out of your comfort zone' steps you took.
And think about this. Just let it come to you in this moment: what would that wise, beautiful soul, sitting there in that lovely comfy chair, say to you NOW?
Listen to the words and promptings, write them down, and act upon them!
So again: What would that wise, beautiful soul, sitting there in that lovely comfy chair at the very end of the beautiful life want to say to you NOW?
The soul that holds all wisdom.
Write it down, listen and act upon it.
Wow, very beautiful!
So powerful! Don't you think it's such a wake-up call?
Do you need help and support to (re)activate yourself powerfully?
I am there for you with all my love, from the 3 PHASE Transition System®. Wherever you are on your path from awakening to Soulful mission and building your legacy.
In the show notes at: www.LisetteLucas.com/108 I will leave the additional information of this podcast.
You will find the questions there and I will also put the PDF in my free Lisette Lucas app. Then you can fill in these life-changing answers at your leisure.
Well, I hope you got some great insights from this podcast. That you are now going to take powerful steps! Yes? Are you going to promise me that?
Yes?! Very, very important. For all movement, all progress is in the action you are taking right now.
Notice when those subconscious patterns want to take over.
That's not you!
That's pure old programming.
So act on those steps, act on those answers and insights you just got.
And then I'd love to speak and hear from you soon.
Big hug, thanks for listening and see you soon!
X Lisette
EnergyJoy by Lisette Lucas | All rights reserved 2022©