Lisette Lucas
14 feb 20171 minuten om te lezen
The true, pure essence of connection at the deepest, most gracious levels of being. Souls intertwined becoming the predestined One with the
Lisette Lucas
22 jan 20172 minuten om te lezen
Your Divine Mission
We have 5 different bodies.... all combined in 1 Body, Soul, Mind & Spirit ..
To become complete and become as one with your pure essenc
Lisette Lucas
30 sep 20161 minuten om te lezen
Excited! Live, Learn, Evolve!
So honoured and privileged to be trained and mentored by world renowned medium Mavis Pittilla. Her knowledge, wisdom and Spiritual gifts are
Lisette Lucas
16 sep 20161 minuten om te lezen
Gedicht : Wijsheid
Het gedicht Wijsheid geschreven door Lisette Lucas is voorgedragen tijdens de demonstratie mediumschap in de Kerk van Op Hodenpijl. Alle gas