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About EnergyJoy

Lisette Lucas

| High End Success Medium® | High-Frequency Business Coach® | High End Business Mentor | IntuitiveTransformation Hypnotherapist | 

Lisette Lucas. Succes Medium, Transforma

The thriving force behind EnergyJoy


EnergyJoy by Lisette Lucas Heart
Praktijk EnergyJoy Mediumschap Healing Spiritueel coaching

I feel blesssed! 

Blessed to develop and share my mediumistic abilities. Sharing and expressing the emotion and love of a passed loved one in Spirit is a beautiful, intense and impressive experience. It's hard to put into never dies! Love is continuous beyond every border of existence. You sense that into every fiber of your being. 


EnergyJoy Wings® by Lisette Lucas
EnergyJoy Heart by Lisette Lucas



About Lisette Lucas

Ever since she was a young girl, Lisette has always been sensitive to energies. Predictive dreams, unexplainable observations and sensations, unconsciously taking over sensations, emotions, tiredness and pain from other people. Knowing what was going on with other people. And always experiencing an unseen precense around her. That made her really scared and confused, especially in her younger years, growing up in a "non-believer family".

For many years she tried to block her 6th sense. Fought against this high-sensitivity that made functioning, in the often, harsh society not easy. 


Until the moment she could feel the upcoming ear infection, from one of her 3 little babies, days before it revealed itself. It kept repeating and manifesting itself through her own physical body. 

From that moment her curiosity took over. Lisette started to learn about energies, healing and mediumship. 

Slowly things started to fall into place. The burden of the high-sensitivity became a quality. A quality, which she developed through years of training and courses at mediumistic level and healing. 

The development is a lifelong unfolding proces. The mediumistic and psychic abilities become more powerful each day as well as the healing capacities. 


Lisette is immensely grateful that she is able to experience this extraordinary and special development. It's feels like an intense deep longing, task and mission to help, guide and support others on their journey. 

To guide people closer to their true Self and their loved ones in the Spirit World. 

Not an easy but very humble and grateful path. 

She is looking forward to meeting you. Love for everything and everyone is her thriving force.  

- Lisette Lucas


praktijk EnergyJoy Lisette Lucas medium Voorburg healer coach

The Arthur Findlay College, Stansted, UK

Arthur Findlay College Stansted UK Lisette Lucas Medium Healer spiritueel coach Mavis Pittilla Jose Gosschalk Paul Jacobs John Johnson

Supporting and guiding someone else with the use of my sensitivity, if you would have told me that years ago.... No, I wouldn't have believed you. Once a burden, now a blessing!

- Lisette Lucas



EnergyJoy Stars by Lisette Lucas
EnergyJoy Bear by Lisette Lucas

Education, Training & Development


Whoever you are rich or poor, young or old, you and your soul are experiencing life as it should be. It is what you do with that experience that counts. You will discard your body but your soul, spirit and mind will continue, it will not matter then whether you were young or old, rich or poor. You will be measured by your management and reaction to your experiences when on the earth.



- Mavis Pittila

'Love like life can never die!'

Mediumship & Intuitive Development

For many years, Lisette has been working on her mediumistic and intuitive development and spiritual growth. She has trained both domestically and internationally, following the English Method. She attended the 3-year Academy for Mediumship in Naarden with José Gosschalk, took 4 years of weekly mediumship training with Scottish medium John Johnson in Delft, and annually at the renowned Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England.


After completing the 1st Mentorship Programme in Ashford, Kent, Lisette also participated in Mavis Pittilla's Advanced Mentorship Programme in Manchester, England. She continues her training under the watchful eye of mentor Mavis Pittilla. Additionally, Lisette has trained for two years in Stafford, England, with medium Andy Byng and works in Spiritualist SNU Churches to obtain her (C)SNU* certification (Spiritualist National Union).


Energy Healing

Lisette is also continuously developing her energetic healing abilities through Eastern methods. She has achieved various Pranic Healing certifications like Basic Pranic Healing, Advanced Pranic Healing, Psychotherapy, Super Brain Yoga, and Prep. Arhatic Yoga. Lisette has also been trained by the world-famous energy healer, Christie Marie Sheldon. This powerful combination makes her specialized in removing energetic blockages in your energy field.



To ensure her treatments qualify for complementary healthcare insurance reimbursement, Lisette has obtained an additional diploma in Medical Basic Knowledge. This is Cpion recognized and meets the latest PLATO requirements. Lisette is a recognized complementary therapist and is registered under the professional organization CAT.



Lisette is a hypnotherapist trained and certified by the internationally renowned therapist, Marisa Peer. Lisette uses Marisa's RTT, Rapid Transformation Therapy, techniques, which have transformed many famous people worldwide, including top athletes, pop stars, actors, directors, and CEOs of major companies. This method has also won numerous awards for its quick, transformative, and lasting results.



Lisette is currently studying Psychology to scientifically support her energetic knowledge. This allows her to guide, support, and help transform her clients in the most powerful and responsible manner.


T.A.T. Therapy  

Lisette employs a 'Trinity' of techniques, literally working on Body, Mind, & Soul levels. She applies the treatment that best aligns with your personal circumstances. Over the years, Lisette's unique method and approach have emerged: T.A.T. therapy. Trinity Abundance Therapy focuses on creating and manifesting abundance in all areas of your life.


Tony Robbins  

Lisette has attended many programs at Tony Robbins' Mastery University. Upon completion of Robbins-Madanes training (by end 2023), she will be a certified Tony Robbins coach.


Podcasts & PodCarddeck™  

Lisette hosts a Dutch weekly 'Shift to EnergyJoy and Beyond' Podcast and an English weekly High End & Frequency Business Mastery Podcast. She also created the world's first PodCarddeck, blending the frequency of her EnergyJoy Podcast series and so much more.

Above The Golden Line Method®

The Above The Golden Line Method® I developed emerged from my experiences and clairvoyant observations in energy fields. This pattern led to a powerful method for transformation and manifestation. It enables people to shift to the 'NOBLE frequencies Above The Golden Line®', thereby stopping the unconscious manifestation of undesired outcomes and creating what they truly desire in life and business. This method, a unique contribution to personal and professional growth, is available for free download. The accompanying Manifestation Journal provides additional support to reinforce these shifts and take responsibility for your own process.

It is available worldwide on Amazon in Dutch and English.

Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine 

In 2023, Lisette entered into a beautiful collaboration with Brainz Magazine. "Every month, I write an article for this inspiring international magazine for high-level achievers!"

Read more about Lisette, Brainz & the articles here:

EnergyJoy stardust by Lisette Lucas


Why EnergyJoy?

EnergyJoy = energy that makes you happy! That's the core of existence. Being happy, feeling happy. Once you feel happy and loved, you fill you body with positive energy and you can conquer the world. 

Unfortunately we all go through situations and circumstances in life, and it isn't always easy to remain happy and positive. 

That's where EnergyJoy comes in! 

We help and guide you with your own Souls energy and universal energy.

In a way that makes you feel better. So you can shine, smile and feel happy again.

Feel Energy, Feel Joy!

Lisette Lucas Landgoed Op Hodenpijl Demonstratie mediumschap | High End Succes Medium®
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