'Voorburgse Lisette Lucas op billboard op Times Square in New York'
Times Square Billboard Celebration!
Ik ben absoluut ‘over the moon’ om dit onvergetelijke moment eindelijk met je te kunnen delen!
Op 6 september 2024 was mijn foto live te zien op de Nasdaq Billboard in Times Square, New York City!
Eerder dit jaar had ik de eer om een award te ontvangen als Top High Frequency Business Coach.
Deze ongelooflijke mijlpaal is iets dat ik voor altijd zal koesteren.
Om mijn foto te zien naast mede-awardwinnaars van over de hele wereld en dit live te delen met mijn jongste zoon, Floris, midden in het hart van Times Square — het is een droom die uitkomt!
Diep dank aan de International Association of Top Professionals voor deze geweldige eer, voor het creëren van deze geweldige kans en dank voor de fijne samenwerking!
En diep dank aan iedereen die me over de hele wereld steunt!
Zo dankbaar 🙏
Dit moment is meer dan alleen een persoonlijke prestatie.
Het is een krachtige herinnering om GROOT te DROMEN.
Het maakt niet uit wie je bent, waar je vandaan komt of welke uitdagingen je tegenkomt…
Alles is mogelijk wanneer je er vol voor gaat, krachtige stappen zet in de richting van je diepste verlangens, en erop vertrouwt dat het universum het magisch voor je zal laten ontvouwen — groter en mooier dan je ooit had durven dromen!
x Lisette
#TimesSquare #NasdaqBillboard #DreamBig #HighFrequencyCoach #AwardWinner #NewYork #UnforgettableMoment #GratefulHeart #ManifestYourDreams #EnergyJoy
Billboard foto: ZassFotoos
Foto: Lisette Lucas samen met haar jongste zoon, Floris, onder het gigantische Nasdaq billboard (39 meter hoog x 11 meter breed) op Times Square in New York.
Read here Lisette her billboard manifestation story... Dutch Lisette Lucas shines on Nasdaq Billboard in the heart of Times Square, New York! New York, September 9, 2024 – On September 6, the Nasdaq Billboard in New York City’s iconic Times Square displayed an inspiring figure: Lisette Lucas, an award-winning business coach from Voorburg. What started as a dream on paper turned into a spectacular reality. Lisette shares her incredible story of manifestation and success. From Manifestation List to Manhattan "In November 2023, I had already manifested everything I wanted for my business: my successful EnergyJoy Mastery Academy with fantastic clients and students worldwide, my own Lisette Lucas App, a podcast series with thousands of downloads, my EnergyJoy PodCard deck, an international manifestation journal, interviews, and my first international magazine cover – and much more," says Lisette. "But I felt the need to dream up something new, something big. Something that seemed impossible for a mother and entrepreneur from the Netherlands." The Turning Point: A Billboard Dream "While thinking about my next big dream, I saw a video of a famous international coach posing with her dog under her own billboard in New York. I laughed and thought, how amazing! EnergyJoy was flowing through me since I love New York. I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone, so I thought, why not? I wrote down on my manifestation list: a picture on a billboard in Times Square, New York. Then, I completely let it go." Manifestation Magic in Action "A few days later, I flew to Dallas via New York with my eldest son to attend a Tony Robbins event. What happened next was unbelievable. Exactly 3.5 months later, I received a message from New York: I had won the Top High Frequency Business Award of the Year 2024 from the International Association of Top Professionals. Wow, what an honor! But the best part was yet to come: thanks to this award, an extra door opened. I was to be honored with a photo on a billboard in Times Square!" Shock and Realization "The realization hit when my kids asked, 'Mom, how do you manifest?' In March 2024, I received a lot of media attention, all within one week. Normally, my kids aren’t too interested in what I do, but seeing me on TV and in international media caught their attention. I pulled out my manifestation list, and there it was... my Times Square billboard manifestation, in black and white. I had completely forgotten about it! Between the travel, family life, business, podcasts, clients, and students, it had slipped my mind." The Power of Letting Go "It felt like a high-frequency shock – pure magic. How did this happen? I’ve manifested many things in my EnergyJoy business since 2013, but this was truly next level. It literally came to me. As a mother of three children and a high-level entrepreneur working from behind my computer in Voorburg, near The Hague, I received an invitation in my inbox to be on a billboard in Times Square. It hit me: I manifested this through my energy and frequency." A Manifestation Dream Becomes Reality "And so, there I was in New York, standing under the world-famous Nasdaq Billboard in Times Square, where my picture was displayed with the words: ‘Lisette Lucas, Top High Frequency Business Coach of the Year!’ My youngest son traveled with me to witness this magical moment. A dream that seemed too big when I first wrote it down had now come true. This is proof that everything is energy and that your thoughts create your reality. This is exactly what I teach my students at the EnergyJoy Mastery Academy and my Elite clients in high-level mentoring. It's all about shifting and raising your frequency with my Above the Golden Line® Method. I received this unique frequency method through my clairvoyant and intuitive abilities, after working with thousands of people. The manifestation pattern and the energy behind it became clear. When you understand and apply this, you can manifest powerfully, beyond your wildest dreams." Life Lessons in Energy and Manifestation "I’m still relishing this incredible, honorable, and even surreal moment. It’s that high-vibe energy that set everything into motion. Shifting to the frequency of EnergyJoy and beyond, no matter what life throws at you. Believe me, my family and I have faced our challenges in the past few years – those ‘Life being Life’ moments, as my mentor, world-renowned medium Mavis Pittilla, called them. Life brings ups and downs, like the heartbeat of existence. The meaning you give it determines your dominant frequency. No matter how hard things get, you can always choose to make something work in your favor." Dream Big, Trust, and Let Go "My advice: Dream BIG Dreams. Dream so big, so ridiculously big that you have to laugh at the mere thought. Just as I did. Then let it go, live dominantly Above the Golden Line®, and trust in a greater intelligence. Before you know it, your dream will become a reality. If I, a down-to-earth, ambitious, entrepreneurial mother from Voorburg, can do it, then so can you!" Discover More Want to know how Lisette Lucas can help you take your life and business to the ultimate next level? Visit her website at www.LisetteLucas.com and listen to her podcast on your favorite platform. Bonus Tip: Want to manifest big things in your life and business? Download Lisette’s Above the Golden Line Method® for free via www.LisetteLucas.com/goldenline and shift your frequency today! About EnergyJoy Lisette Lucas is the driving force behind EnergyJoy and an expert in high-frequency business coaching, intuitive transformation hypnotherapy, and high-end success mediumship. With her Above the Golden Line Method®, she helps empathic, ambitious entrepreneurs raise their frequency and shift toward a life full of impact, abundance, freedom, success, and EnergyJoy. Through the EnergyJoy Mastery Academy, Elite high-level mentoring, her successful podcast series in both Dutch and English, and the Lisette Lucas app, she inspires and guides clients to realize their full potential and perform at the highest authentic level. Lisette focuses on experts and entrepreneurs who are absolutely ready to go all-in and who won’t settle for anything less than ultimate, groundbreaking success, maximum impact, and deep fulfillment. Contact Information Name: Lisette Lucas Email: info@lisettelucas.nl
En dan ontvang je een Award uit New York...
Voorburg, februari 2024
🌟✨ Het is OFFICIEEL! ✨🌟
En dan ontvang je een Award uit New York!
Wanneer één deur opent, volgen er velen…
Ik ondervind het aan den lijve.
Terwijl ik voor m’n gezin met inmiddels 5 kids sta te koken. Met het bord: ‘Hotel Mama 24/7 open’ boven m’n hoofd, sta ik het nieuws en de net ontvangen post uit New York te verwerken.
Het voorbeeld van: ‘Dream Big Dreams’ is een directe manifestatie van de prachtige, zware jade award met inscriptie die ik heb mogen ontvangen.
Ik ben door het comité van de International Association of Top Professionals genomineerd als Top High Frequency Business Coach of the Year!
Het nieuws is opgepikt door de internationale media…
Even een knijp-me-momentje terwijl ik sta te roeren in de 6-liter pan met macaroni voor de kids die geen bodem lijken te hebben.🍝
Wat een heerlijk aards en ontnuchterend contrast!
Stuiterend sta ik achter het gasfornuis, vooruit genietend over de officiële gala-awarduitreiking tegen het einde van het jaar in Nashville, USA.
Eén hongerige tiener en 4 twintigers ongeduldig wachtend: ‘Leuk mam, die award, heel cool, maar hoe lang duurt het eten nog?’
Het geluk zit ‘m in het blenden van alle facetten: Gezin & Zielsmissie.
Ultieme voldoening gekoppeld aan het leven en uitdragen van mijn high-frequency EnergyJoy-boodschap en energie.
Ik ben intens dankbaar voor jou, voor iedereen die mijn pad en energie kruist.
En samen met mij een stuk meevliegt onder mijn vleugels en krachtig shift naar een volgende tijdlijn.
Een ding kan ik je vertellen: Het leven van je ongelimiteerde potentieel is echt!
New York, Nashville en achter het gasfornuis in Zuid-Holland…
⚡️Alles is mogelijk zolang je er zelf in gelooft!
🔗Lees hier het hele FOX News artikel over de nominatie en Award.🎉